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Write Stuff -- Fiction Stories, Gospel Facts -- February 4th

I used to think writing was my talent to use as I wish. It did not occur to me until the last few years that writing is a gift from God and I am meant to use it for His glory. I was nervous about doing it at first. After all, no one’s going to read Christian fiction, are they? Usually, when I tweet about God or make mention of a Christian aspect of one thing or another, I lose followers. Who’s going to read a Christian book?


Listen to our conversation here.

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Write Stuff -- Writer's Clinic -- Writer's Burnout -- February 11th

Today is our writer's clinic. Our patient today: The Writer

That's right. You. The one who create the worlds, the characters, the drama, the highs, the lows, the ins, the outs, the fast, the slow, the mysterious, the romantic, the otherworldly, the suspenseful, the horrible, the disgusting, the...

That's a lot of work you have to do. Your fans want more from you. Your publishers have deadlines. Your family wants your time. You'd like to eat sometime this week. I think most writers would like to have access to a deserted island with a handy teleportation system. When they want to get away for a few days, they simply teleport here, write and then return to the world. Others would probably just stay on the island without interaction from the outside world except through books.

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Write Stuff -- Xs, Os, & Ws: God and Basketball -- February 25th

Coaches of any sport have a unique opportunity to bring out certain truths and lessons via the sport they instruct in. From football, basketball, baseball and others, coaching teams to work together to win games brings about its own wisdom. And there’s nothing like watching your favorite team win.In keeping with the illustration, we’re on a team and God is our coach. He runs us through plays, strengthens our faith muscles, and penalizes us for fouls.


Listen to our conversation here.


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