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Write Stuff -- The Problems with Angels -- August 5th

Angels. They are our guardians, our healers, our protectors. They follow us wherever we go. They lull us to sleep and send our prayers to God on wings of the morning. They are gentle, kind, caring, full of heavenly grace and beings of immense beauty.

Or are they?

Stories of angels are prevalent in our society. From paintings to bumper stickers, belief in angels is at on all time. I would even hazard to say that more people are willing to believe in angels than in God. Perhaps because the view of angels is based on our own preconceptions of what angels are. Some believe they are glorious beings of both genders with white wings playing a golden harp or lute. Some suggest they are warriors of power, girded with armor, and wielding swords. Still others see angels as benign, sending message from earth to the heavenly realm. Even more so, some people believe angels are our dear departed dead sent back to guide loved ones in their lives and protect them from catastrophe.

Listen to our conversation here.

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Write Stuff -- Romancing the Red Planet -- August 12th

We Earthlings have a definite love affair with space. There’s no doubt about it. For thousands of years, we have probed the night sky, always searching and reaching for the stars. Our telescopes and mathematics gives us a wide array of understanding at how the universe works.


But it’s the guy next door that really captures our interest.


Listen to our conversation here.

Follow the blog for the show (and for me) here.



Write Stuff -- Raw Faith -- August 26th 

2 Corinthians 5:7 "For we walk by faith, not by sight."

What does that verse really mean? What should we take from it? Do we really believe what it says?

In today's wayward church, we may think this means to 'name and claim' your blessing. A new car, more money, or some other self-centered thing. As if God is the bellboy and we are the patron staying at the hotel. Throw God a dollar bill, get what we want, and have a good dayHowever, walking by faith is not trusting to get what you want from God. It’s depending on Him even when you do not understand. It's walking in a dark tunnel where you can't see a pinprick of light. It's taking one agonizing foot forward inch by inch. 

Listen to our conversation here.

Follow the blog for the show (and for me) here


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