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Write Stuff -- Twenty First Century Publishing -- March 4th

I've often stated on this show that the indie publishing market has exploded. Self-publishing, once the scourge of the publishing world, hasbecome almost exclusively the way to go, thanks to Amazon, Smashwords and other indie publishing platforms.The traditional publishers find themselves in a paradigm shift. So how does a publishing house survive in this rapidly changing climate where the rules are being made up as it goes along? After all, according to social media expert and author Kristen Lamb, we are in an infancy stage of the new publishing, whatever that may be. Right now is the best time to be an author as we make a path in this uncharted territory.


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Write Stuff -- The Windows of Heaven -- March 11th

The new ‘Noah’ movie has raised many questions about the Flood. Some Christians say it is a good thing that Hollywood is making it into a large scale motion picture. Others say not to watch as it will not be true to the biblical narrative. If you could write a history of the time of the Flood, what would it look like? How would you portray the Earth? How would you perceive Noah? The Ark? The civilization?


Listen to our conversation here.

Follow the blog for the show (and for me) here.


Write Stuff -- Readers Helping Writers -- March 18th 

In today's world of writing, writers are bombarded with advice. Marketing, writing processes, editing, cover design, how-to's on just about everything and then some more. The indie movement has exploded with advice as new writers and established find their feet in the rapidly transitioning publishing industry.Yet, writers do what we do because of the one group of people we are trying to reach -- readers. Writers need readers. Readers want a good story. I think it's important for the writer to never forget, in all our going about back and forth, that we are storytellers to an audience who wants to be captivated by a good story. 

Listen to our conversation here.

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Write Stuff -- Monk, Hannibal, and Gandalf -- March 25th

What does an OCD and fear stricken detective, a cannibalistic serial killer, and a wizard all have in common? After all, Monk solves crimes, Hannibal commits crimes, and Gandalf fights against evil. For that matter, none of these people are real. So what's the connection they all share?

The first obvious one may be that they are all male. That's true but that's not the connection I am referring to. What I am getting at is that they are interesting characters. They pop from the screen and the pages. You know their personalities, how they respond to certain situations, their strengths, their weaknesses, their quirks, and a whole host of other minutia that make you relate to them.

Listen to our conversation here.

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