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Write Stuff Radio

Helping inspirational writers write. Click here for show archive.

Write Stuff -- Call of the Writer -- May 6th

We hear about ministers being called to preach but there is another call waiting to be answered -- the call of the Writer. There are writers dormant inside some of us that we are ignoring. As Christian fiction and non-fiction authors, we have an unique opportunity to bring about the message of the gospel in unique ways.

Listen to our conversation here.

Follow the blog for the show (and for me) here

Write Stuff -- Empowered for Living -- May 20th

Often, we may go through life thinking that we are powerless. That life is an endeavor to trudge through. If bad things happen to us, we may be overwhelmed by them. If a plan doesn't come to fruition, we may feel as if we have failed. If a loved one leaves or mocks us, we may feel lonely.


These emotions and hardships may have us feeling dejected, rejected, and dissected. Our souls flayed open for the world to see.


The thing to remember is that we are empowered for living through the grace of God. It is He that gives us the ability, the stamina to endure life's many obstacles, twists, and turns. No matter what happens, in Christ, we are more than conquerors.


Listen to our conversation here.

Follow the blog for the show (and for me) here.

Write Stuff -- A Chat with Indie Author Leanna Shields -- May 27th

Hear about an indie author’s journey straight from one herself. Leanna Shields is an wonderful author who has built her platform within the indie movement. She’ll share parts of her journey, her books, writing process, and some tidbits about herself. If you are just starting your career as an indie author, I’m sure you won’t want to miss how someone just like you got started


Listen to our conversation here.

Follow the blog for the show (and for me) here

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