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Write Stuff -- Two Trees and Twelve Fruits -- January 7th

Natural. What comes to mind when we say ‘natural’? Of course, the dictionary has a meaning for it but what do you think when you consider the word? For me, I think of pure. Nothing mixed in. No additives. No façade. Plain speaking. Right in front of my face. Natural. God’s handiwork gifted to us. Along those lines, more and more people are coming to an understanding of what natural products and processes mean when it comes to the human body.


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Write Stuff -- Writers Helping Writers-- January 14th

A writer's life doesn't have to be a lonely one. In fact, more than ever, I think its prudent that writers help other writers. With the face of publishing changing at a rapid pace, it's becoming more advantageous for writers to connect with other writers. According to a report I read recently, 3500 books are published DAILY. That means the opportunity to be seen and recognized becomes more challenging.

Listen to our conversation here.

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Write Stuff -- Powerful Branding Techniques -- January 21st

A brand is powerful. It helps one person generate an image or thought associated with another person. Celebrities are all about brands almost to the point where the brand is synonymous with the person. When we say Arnold Schwarzenegger, his name is connected with a series of thoughts — movies, strength, government, etc. When we say Johnny Depp, we may see pirates, 21 Jump Street, Edward Scissorhands, etc.


Well known authors also have the same connection — Stephen King, J. K. Rowling, Karen Kingsbury, Ted Dekker, Frank Peretti, and others just to name a few. In fact, with an author like Stephen King, his name is almost a genre.


Listen to our conversation here.

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Write Stuff -- Spellbound: Paranormal Seduction -- January 28th 

About three or four years ago, my husband took up an occupation I didn’t know anything about until I happened to over hear him one night on the phone.  He started ghost hunting.  I remember he used to spend time with a friend of his and they would come back late but I simply thought they were hanging out at said friend’s house. What a surprise it was to me to discover the only houses they were hanging out at were places reported to have weird sightings.


In this divinely-led moment of discovery, I overheard my husband say something to the effect, “You made it mad.” I wasn’t sure how I picked up the signal from that single sentence but it all became clear to me. I listened as he started to talk more and more about plans for tomorrow evening and the like. They were going to travel to ‘a red barn’ and ‘take the equipment’ with them. Without going into too much detail, my husband never went ghost-hunting again.

Listen to our conversation here.

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