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Write Stuff -- Objects of Wrath -- September 2nd

What is wrath? In a simple example, we would say it’s anger. But there’s more to wrath than simple anger. After all, anger can be righteous and put to good use. If an injustice is being done to a person or a group of people, it can be used to bring about a change.

Yet wrath, in the truest sense of the word, is a deep, resentful rage. One that begs for some sort of retaliation. The need for vengeance curls deep within the person and they will use whatever they can to exact their revenge. What are the objects of wrath? Arrogance, greed, hatred, prejudice, entitlement, and many others With these, they are used to destroy ourselves and others.

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Write Stuff -- Plugged, Wired, and Disconnected -- September 9th

In today's world, we don't have to wait to get a response. In fact, in our world, we tend to want an instant reaction. After all, we're plugged into our technology with phones, mobile devices, computers, and who knows what else in the coming years. Social media acts as the place to connect. 


Or are we really as connected as we seem? What's the problem with being plugged and wired when it seems as if people are growing further apart? Family text each other in the same house, friends won't call but will chat on a social media outlet? Most people are glued to the phones and won't say hello to a passing stranger. So, are we really better off?


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Write Stuff -- Use Me -- September 16th

Isaiah 6: 8 “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.”

The Bible is littered with the narratives of men and women God has used to bring about His will. From a child with a couple of fish and loaves of bread to twelve fisherman who weren’t the brightest bulbs on the shelves, the phrase, God can use anyone, rings true.

Most people, secular and non-secular, want to have the sense or the acknowledgment that their lives have some purpose, some meaning. We all, in our own way, seek to leave some sort of impact or imprint. Perhaps its through medicine, research, arts, or entertainment, we all have an inherent need to be used.

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Write Stuff -- Like Sheep -- September 23rd

No one likes to be called a dumb animal. The idea of it smacks right in the face of our dignity. For one thing, contrary to popular scientific belief, we are not animals. For another thing, we're not dumb. Well, not all the time. But our Lord calls us sheep quite often and one has to wonder why. Sheep are considered not to be very bright animals. According to the people who make such distinctions, the IQ of sheep falls between a pig and cattle. Whatever that means...

Sheep have a tendency to flock toward each other in groups and then they almost always need a leader. Enter the shepherd, the one who takes care of the flock by find food, leading them to safety, takes care of them, and all sorts things that shepherds. People are a lot like sheep. We have a higher IQ than a sheep but we're really not much different from them. We tend to flock together in groups. We get lost and need help finding our way. We also have the need for leaders. 


Listen to our conversation here.

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Write Stuff -- The War Unseen -- September 30th


The wars that have taken place throughout human history are filled with thousands, even millions, of causalities. Their bodies have littered battlefields for centuries. They are buried in the sands of the earth or washed into the seas. We try to avoid war as much as possible because we see the devastation war causes. The broken families, prisoners, economic destruction, and more devastation.



However, there’s a war that’s been going on throughout the ages. The War Unseen. It’s raging right now even as I type the words to this description. Billions of lives are involved as they pick sides, changes sides, and obey the generals they have pledged their allegiance. It is a war for the soul of man.


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