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Write Stuff Anniversary Show -- July 1st

A strange sense of wonder washes over me as the words 'anniversary' leap on the screen of this computer. It's eleven letters but put them all together and a thousand images, sounds, words, books, and people explode inside my mind.

A year of discovery. A year of growth. A year of learning. A year of hope. A year of dreams fulfilled. A year completely sustained by the grace of God. 

Join me for this very special episode of the Write Stuff as we celebrate the first anniversary by taking your calls, recaping things we've learned, and saying hi to some old friends. 

You can join me by dialing 646-595-2083, press 1 to be live on air. Or, you can download the WLUV radio mobile app today. Any way you can, join us.

Listen to the celebration here

Write Stuff -- Stereotypes, Hillbillies, and the Truth -- July 8th

Stereotypes are an interesting part of social psychology. We use this aspect of information gathering to make assumptions and conclusions about the world and the people who move around us. These supposed opinions are not always correct versions of reality. Yet, they persist.

As such, we tend to want to group people according to these stereotypes. 

One such stereotype that persists is the one about hillbillies. According to comedians, popular culture, TV, and movies, hillbillies bring a definite image to mind. Drunks, dusty clothes, illiterate, uneducated, uncouth, and mountain people.


Listen to our conversation here.

Follow the blog for the show (and for me) here


Write Stuff -- The Fourth Dimension -- July 15th

One of the most fascinating things I have come to appreciate is mankind's propensity to probe. To dig. To ask questions of ourselves and our world. This hunger for knowledge is what keeps us striving to improve our understanding. 

Earlier scientists had religious backgrounds. As they began to study the world around them, it must have been wondrous to see God's handiwork and know this is how God did it. 

It is a great privilege to ask, to hypothesize. 


Listen to our conversation here.

Follow the blog for the show (and for me) here.

Write Stuff -- Altars of the Heart -- July 22nd

Have you ever sat in church, surrounded by people who are praising the Lord, shouting, singing, or dancing and you can't feel what they seemed to be expressing?

Have you ever jumped, shouted, and praised God in church but felt empty inside?

Has past hurts choke away the song in your heart? What about the lack of understanding what the Bible says whenever everyone seems to have 'revelation'?

Do you want a deeper relationship with God...not just on the surface but true worship?


Listent to our conversation here.

Follow the blog for the show (and for me) here.

Write Stuff -- The Skin I'm In -- July 29th

Our skin, as most of us know, is the largest organ of our body. It covers us from head to toe, and shaded in many colors. It is our first line of defense against rain, snow, heat, cold, and disease.


Generally speaking, most people want to have smooth, clear, youthful skin. No blemishes, spots, or wrinkles. Millions of dollars are spent to ensure this. In magazines, movies, and other outlets, the portrayal of youthful skin titillates our eyes.


In fact, we’re told that if our skin is bruised, cut, burned, we do whatever we can to get it back to it’s original state. Sometimes we want to hide the ravaging effects of trauma, whatever that may be, from the world or even ourselves.

Listen to our conversation here.

Follow the blog for the show (and for me) here



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