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Write Stuff -- The Enemy In the Mirror -- June 3rd

Everyone has enemies. Whether at work, school, church, family, etc. there’s an enemy lurking somewhere. In fact, the person who says they don’t have any enemies need only to wait until they come along. Of course, enemies are not necessarily people who want to kill you. They’re the ones who don’t like you for one reason or another. Perhaps you’re better at an talent or job better than they. Maybe they are jealous of your success or happy moments in your life. We tend to call them haters. According the Urban dictionary, a hater is “A person that simply cannot be happy for another person’s success. So rather than be happy they make a point of exposing a flaw in that person. Hating, the result of being a hater, is not exactly jealousy. The hater doesn’t really want to be the person he or she hates, rather the hater wants to knock someone else down a notch.”

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Write Stuff -- One Foot Forward -- June 10th

Perseverance is not about running as fast as you can. It's not about making sure you are the first one to win the prize.


It's all about staying in the race.


Most athletes who compete understand the simple and profound message of this. They train all year long to enter the competitions of their choice. Muscle toning, healthy diet, consistent training, and any everything to make sure they are in top condition to run the race. Paul says we are to run the race as if to obtain the prize.

Listen to our conversation here.

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Write Stuff -- Christian Horror -- June 17th

The very sound of it is an oxymoron. Who in the world has heard of Christian horror? What in the world does that mean? Is it a bunch of Christians chopping off heads in the name of the Lord? Furthermore, why would anyone want to associate themselves with horror?


The horror genre, in and of itself, is interesting. For one thing, horror encompasses a wide range of dark, negative situations and emotions. It speaks to the hidden aspects of the human heart, and fillets open the human condition. For those of us who think that humans are ultimately good, horror tends to show the exact opposite…that all signs of goodness are mere pretensions. Horror postulates at the core of our being, is a fragile, terrified, sadistic, and selfish individual.


That hidden person exists inside us all.


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Write Stuff -- Diversity and Christian Fiction -- June 24th 

Recently, a new movement has risen. It’s a call for more diverse books. It became known during the Book Expo where, from what I’m told, there was a startling lack of diverse books available.


Part of me thinks it’s about time.


During my journey to publish as a Christian author, I found myself floored by how many traditional publishing houses neglected to buy my book — not because it wasn’t a good product but because it has an interracial couple. One would think in the 21st century, this kind of attitude is archaic. Shouldn’t we have arrived by now?

Listen to our conversation here

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